Sayyiduna Muhammad
(sallallahu alaihi wassalam)
And Lo! (O Muhammad), verily thou art of a Tremendous Nature.
(Holy Quran 68:4)
"Who is he? He is the Mercy for all Mankind and for all creatures. He was the first to be created and it was for his honour that the whole of creation came into existence and still continues to come into existence."
"His name Muhammad means "the Praised One". He is the Praised one from pre-eternity, from Alzil illal abad. There is no need for him to have the praising of the nations as he is praised by his Lord Almighty Allah Himself. What are we giving of praise and thanks to him? When you compare this praise with the praise and honour that Allah Almighty has given him and is giving him still, it is."
"...like an atom in a huge Ocean. Even if the whole of creation glorifies, honours and praises him it would only be like a little dot through an endless Ocean in comparison to what Allah Almighty gives him."
"Allah Almighty has made His beloved Muhammad (Sal) to represent Haqq and He asked His servants to be obedient to Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty is also asking His servants to love Muhammad (Sal) and to respect him as Seyyadina Muhammad (Sal) is the most respected and honoured servant of Allah."
"He was born fifteen centuries ago in an unknown desert. He was born to a tribe whose characteristic was to be Jahil (ignorant). Before he was born, when he was in the womb of his mother, his father died and he was orphaned. Four years after he was born his mother also passed away and then he had neither father nor mother to look after him. He had only his Lord for his teacher and for his trainer. When he grew up to be forty years of age he was well known among his tribe to be Ameen (Trustworthy, True One). No one was ever wronged by him. He was never known to have lied to anyone nor to have harmed anyone. He was such a Diamond. He was such a pure creation. That alone is enough for Mankind to look at him with good eyes."
"When he was in his fortieth year he suddenly came up to his tribe, "Oh Mankind, I have been just ordered to declare to you the existence and the unity of your Lord Almighty Allah. Say, "La ilaha illallah (there is no God but Allah), La ilaha illallah, La ilaha illallah". The very sound of his "La ilaha illallah" is even heard up to date from the Far East to the Far West. Do you think that this is possible for just one person? How is it possible that his first declaration, his first order to Mankind, asking them to say "La ilaha illallah" is heard up to date between East and West making the world tremble? "La ilaha illallah", is continuously being repeated and never stops from the Far East to the far West."
"As long as the Sun rises and sets and rises again, in every station that the Sun is at any given moment, the Azan (the call for prayers) is being called throughout the world and it never stops. There is not a moment in this world when the Azan is not being called out. The Muezzin (the one who calls for prayer) in Azan calls out "La ilaha illallah. Ashadu an la ilaha illallah, Ash hadu anna Muhammadur Rasoolullah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah". This goes on continuously throughout the world from that time, up to date. Do you think that one person with his physical power can do this? Do you think about that? Yes, he must be a king-sized person to have been able to do that. He is a universal and unique personality to be able to do this up to date and up to eternity. Therefore he is the Greatest One."
"Yes, up to to date and up to eternity there is going to be the sound of "La ilaha illallah Muhammdur Rasoolullah (Sal) in the earth and in the heavens. This is also written on the Divine Throne, and it is the Divine Seal through the heavens, the 'Arsh Kursi and everywhere."
"Try to put that seal into your heart. When you put that seal through your heart you are going to attain to peace with yourself and around yourself, and it will become a shelter for you and be around you. May Allah forgive us for our bad understanding, and our bad actions for the sake of his Beloved Prophet, Muhammad (Sal). May Allah bless us and grant us good understanding and respect for his Praised Servant - Seyyadina Muhammad, peace be upon him. May Allah Almighty put through your hearts love and respect for His beloved Muhammad (Sal), and may He also give you the courage to be able to carry His message throughout the East and the West. Muhammad (Sal) is the Messenger of Almighty Allah for the whole of Mankind. He started to preach this message of Islam when he was forty years old. He did his best for Mankind. Everything is open for his sake to Mankind."
-Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani
(extracted from www.sheikhnazim.com)
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