As for the outward appearance of Muhammadun Rasul Allah s

As for the outward appearance salla Allah alayhi wa sallam,
Truly, he was
Stately, held in honor by others, with a face like the circular moon.
Above average in height, but shorter than tall, his height stood out.
His head was large but suitable, his color was white mixed with red, and his face was wide with long and thin eyebrows that were unconnected.
His hair never reached his earlobes and it was neither curly nor straight.
Between his eyebrows was a vein that appeared when he got angry.
His nose, an adornment to his face, was pointed a little upwards.
His beard was thick, and his cheeks a bit raised.
His beauty was natural; the pupils of his eyes were very black.
His mouth was wide, and when he talked he used all of his mouth.
He had a mustache, and it has been proven that between his front teeth was a small gap.
He had fine hair from below his chest to his navel.
His neck was beautiful like ivory and pure like silver.
His body was properly proportioned and gave off the fragrance of musk.
His stomach was flat, his chest was without hair, and his shoulders were wide.
He has Large joints
There is hair on the shoulders and the upper parts of the chest, and on the arms
His breasts are without hair, as has been authenticated by the book, as-Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya, a book written by Imam at-Tirmidhi
His arms are long, his palm of his hand and the soal of his foot is wide, full and soft
The muscles of his body are smooth and even, he always looked down, and his looks are beautiful
If water is poured on his feet it spreads, if he laughs his sparkled teeth pure and white like hail stones
These hails which are so popular
He looked to the earth more than to the sky, most of the time he would only glance, and he would always walk behind his companions.
Always cheerful, and he was always the first to greet someone with a salam; and when he walked it was as if he was descending a slope, such was spiritual nature.
Always thinking, he was silent for long periods of time; sad, dwelling long in fear of Allah.
O Allah bless and grant peace upon the dhat al-Muhammadiya
And forgive us what might be and what has been.
from the Mawlid of the Prophet (Uthmani)
Miracles from Allah - the Yellow River Stone - Allah بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
في هذا الحجر ، يظهر اسم الله
من معجزات الله الله الله التي تم العثور عليها فى هذا الصدد من الحجر ، وهذا الحجر اربعة اجيال تقول الاسطوره انه ، الموسيقى
الترجمة التحريريه : ترجمة ودعا الله : الله ، هذا هو الحجر على درجة عالية من 9،9 سم ، والعرض هو
13.3cm ، هو سمك 5،5 سم وهذا الخط هو الحجر الابيض والعربية و ، في نهاية الحجر الاخضر هو محض الاسلامية اللون. الحجر : اصفر - الاحجار الطبيعيه. اي
الله قد اظهرت مرة اخرى ايقاظ شعوب العالم.! مذهله! Kistler جمع من بلادي. جمع ونقل السلطة ، اذا كانت الشخصيات البارزة الفرح -- او جمع المتحف الاسلامي -- وأنا اتطلع في وصلتك!
لانزهو الصين ، غانسو هاتف :0086 - 0931 - 13038797611
البريد الألكتروني :
Miracles from Allah - the Yellow River Stone - Allah
الرحيم الرحمن الله بسم ه
الله اسم يظهر الحجر هذا في ،
من معجزات الله الله الله التي تم العثور عليها فى هذا الصدد من الحجر ، وهذا الحجر اربعة اجيال تقول الاسطوره انه ، الموسيقى
الترجمة التحريريه : ترجمة ودعا الله : الله ، هذا هو الحجر على درجة عالية من 9،9 سم ، والعرض هو
13.3cm ، هو سمك 5،5 سم وهذا الخط هو الحجر الابيض والعربية و ، في نهاية الحجر الاخضر هو محض الاسلامية اللون. الحجر : اصفر - الاحجار الطبيعيه. اي
الله قد اظهرت مرة اخرى ايقاظ شعوب العالم.! مذهله! Kistler جمع من بلادي. جمع ونقل السلطة ، اذا كانت الشخصيات البارزة الفرح -- او جمع المتحف الاسلامي -- وأنا اتطلع في وصلتك!
لانزهو الصين ، غانسو هاتف :0086 - 0931 - 13038797611
البريد الألكتروني :
الرحمن الرحيم بسم الله
الله اسم يظهر الحجر هذا في ،
من معجزات الله الله التي تم العثور عليها فى هذا الصدد من الحجر ، وهذا الحجر اربعة اجيال تقول الاسطوره انه ، الموسيقى
الترجمة التحريريه : ترجمة ودعا الله : الله ، هذا هو الحجر على درجة عالية من 9،9 سم ، والعرض هو
13.3cm ، هو سمك 5،5 سم وهذا الخط هو الحجر الابيض والعربية و ، في نهاية الحجر الاخضر هو محض الاسلامية اللون. الحجر : اصفر - الاحجار الطبيعيه. اي
الله قد اظهرت مرة اخرى ايقاظ شعوب العالم.! مذهله! Kistler جمع من بلادي. جمع ونقل السلطة ، اذا كانت الشخصيات البارزة الفرح -- او جمع المتحف الاسلامي -- وأنا اتطلع في وصلتك!
لانزهو الصين ، غانسو هاتف :0086 - 0931 - 13038797611
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